The board room is where the most crucial decisions are made. Effective board meetings are vital to the success of your business regardless of whether they are the catalyst for a new innovative strategic approach or prevent you from making a costly mistake. Etiquettes for boardrooms are important as is a solid understanding of parliamentary procedure and the ability of facilitating productive discussion.
A well-planned agenda for meetings is the basis for an effective board. It establishes the meeting’s goals and defines the most important issues to be discussed and guides the flow of the discussion. It also enables the board to tackle all the required topics within the allocated time and significantly improves the overall governance of a company.
To start off the meeting, the presiding officer calls the meeting to order at the appointed start time. Then, he begins to call the roll to ensure that a quorum of board members is present. The agenda as well as the previous minutes are approved after all attendees have been counted. The board then reviews any issues from the past that are not resolved and then discusses any new items that have been added to the agenda. Once these issues have been discussed, the board can adjourn the meeting.
To maintain an efficient boardroom, it’s best to limit the time spent on reports and «have-to» items. This allows the board to devote a larger percentage of the meeting to discussing the strategic direction of the board and other important matters. The board can also cut back on reports by asking committee and officer chairpersons to present only the most important information in a short, concise report prior to the meeting.